2014 Baloch Martyrs Day
We at BTVO would like to pay tribute to all those who embraced martyrdom in occupied Balochistan. Together we mourn the deaths of every Baloch who was martyred at the hands of the occupational state; and celebrate the lives of those who devoted themselves to rising above the tyranny and injustice imposed upon the Baloch nation.
On November 13th 2014 the Baloch Community of British Columbia, alongside Kurdish community representatives and activists held a conference to commemorate the Baloch national Remembrance Day, or Martyrs day. During the event, activists, patriots, and every day people came out to pay their respects to the thousands of Baloch martyred at the hands of the foreign invaders.
On November 13th 2014 the Baloch Community of British Columbia, alongside Kurdish community representatives and activists held a conference to commemorate the Baloch national Remembrance Day, or Martyrs day. During the event, activists, patriots, and every day people came out to pay their respects to the thousands of Baloch martyred at the hands of the foreign invaders.