About Us
Balochi Television Online is an internet-based broadcast that features programming in English, and the Balochi and Brahui languages including news, analysis, and interviews. It offers dialogues and information related to Baloch society and culture, and current events in Balochistan.
The vision is to express and present the collective standpoints of the Baloch people.
To enlighten our audience with respect to the unique characteristics of Balochistan, its culture and values, and the challenges and obstacles the Baloch people face in our aspirations for national liberation
Baloch and Balochistan
Balochistan is a nation in Central Asia whose territory is divided among the modern states of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. The Baloch people number more than 30 million around the world. The expanse of Balochistan that sits within the borders of Pakistani occupied Balochistan measures more than 3,347188 square kilometres, and constitutes the bulk of the Baloch national territory. The Iranian-occupied segment of Balochistan is the second largest land mass province of Iran consists of 1, 87000 square Kilometres, and the Afghan-occupied northern Balochistan perimeter measures about 70,000 square kilom etres. In all three sections of their homeland, the Baloch people contend with deprivation and backwardness, due to the policies of the respective occupying countries.
Baloch Media
The Baloch people have no independent media, nor television or radio channels, with which to express and amplify the Baloch perspective. Balochi Television Online (BTVOnline) aims to fulfill this role, and is committed to preserving the vast indigenous knowledge and rich cultural heritage of the Baloch people. It will aim to produce and broadcast news and current affairs reports, historical information, and documentaries. We encourage all independent producers to submit their videos and other works about Baloch culture, human rights, history, politics, education, music, dances, food, and environmental issues.
BTVOnline is run by a team of Baloch broadcast professionals, and its content is supplemented by professional contributors with a strong background in media production, broadcasting, photography, and journalism. Our team strives to preserve centuries of Baloch culture and arts. We highlight the plight of the Baloch nation, and aim to reach an international audience from our headquarters in Vancouver, Canada. We wish that the Baloch people should prosper in all fields of life, just like other successful nations around the world.
Balochi Television Online is an internet-based broadcast that features programming in English, and the Balochi and Brahui languages including news, analysis, and interviews. It offers dialogues and information related to Baloch society and culture, and current events in Balochistan.
The vision is to express and present the collective standpoints of the Baloch people.
To enlighten our audience with respect to the unique characteristics of Balochistan, its culture and values, and the challenges and obstacles the Baloch people face in our aspirations for national liberation
Baloch and Balochistan
Balochistan is a nation in Central Asia whose territory is divided among the modern states of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. The Baloch people number more than 30 million around the world. The expanse of Balochistan that sits within the borders of Pakistani occupied Balochistan measures more than 3,347188 square kilometres, and constitutes the bulk of the Baloch national territory. The Iranian-occupied segment of Balochistan is the second largest land mass province of Iran consists of 1, 87000 square Kilometres, and the Afghan-occupied northern Balochistan perimeter measures about 70,000 square kilom etres. In all three sections of their homeland, the Baloch people contend with deprivation and backwardness, due to the policies of the respective occupying countries.
Baloch Media
The Baloch people have no independent media, nor television or radio channels, with which to express and amplify the Baloch perspective. Balochi Television Online (BTVOnline) aims to fulfill this role, and is committed to preserving the vast indigenous knowledge and rich cultural heritage of the Baloch people. It will aim to produce and broadcast news and current affairs reports, historical information, and documentaries. We encourage all independent producers to submit their videos and other works about Baloch culture, human rights, history, politics, education, music, dances, food, and environmental issues.
BTVOnline is run by a team of Baloch broadcast professionals, and its content is supplemented by professional contributors with a strong background in media production, broadcasting, photography, and journalism. Our team strives to preserve centuries of Baloch culture and arts. We highlight the plight of the Baloch nation, and aim to reach an international audience from our headquarters in Vancouver, Canada. We wish that the Baloch people should prosper in all fields of life, just like other successful nations around the world.